Saturday, December 5, 2009

Order you to do " said Amat-Palong in razor-edged tones. "It's up to you whether or not I shoot you and your companions. " Pincer recovered from his momentary paralysis. "What do you want?".

~ Yes sir. ~ Pity he didn't go the whole way and make himself a Spayed. ~ At any rate he is not well disposed to Chelgrian society. The idea was that by going without an entourage I might make myself less intimidating and more acceptable to him. ~ We should not be the ones having to make ourselves acceptable to him Major. ~ We are in a position where we have no choice sir. It has been decided at cabinet level.
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A little dazedly. What was he implying? That perhaps Anthony Reynard had murdered his Sister in this Revolutionary War-vintage crypt? That there might be Something more sinister here than shadowy corners and hideous iron fire-dogs? "I don't know what I'm implying " he said slowly "except that Janine was shoveled under in a hell of a hurry and that you're acting damn strange now. " For moment the anger blazed brighter and then it died away leaving only hopelessness and dumb sorrow. "Leave me alone " he mumbled. "Please leave me alone Mr. Wharton. " "I can't. I've got to know . . . " The aged housekeeper appeared her face thrusting from the shadowy cavern of the hall. "Supper's ready Mr. Reynard. " "Thank you Louise but I'm not hungry. Perhaps Mr. Wharton . . . ?" Wharton shook his head. "Very well then. Perhaps we'll have a bite later. " "As you say sir. " She turned to go. "Louise?" "Yes sir?" "Come here a moment. Louise shuffled slowly back into the room her.
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